



新  闻







Lisa-Marie 德国



Lisa是个充满阳光和能量的德国妹纸,孩子形容她像小绵羊一样温柔。她的到来,给我们的家庭增添了许多快乐,我们可以一起用中文,英文进行沟通很多有趣的事情,也可以一起下厨做些美食和面包。Lisa妹纸的中文也是棒棒哒!她在来中国之前就对中国的语言文字、文化习俗有所了解,日常相处中非常舒服。更为重要的是, Lisa是一名非常负责人的互惠生。她从来不计较个人利益,也不在乎休息时间,只是在一心一意准备各种可以利用的教具教孩子英语,利用一切可以利用的休息时间学习汉语。在来到家里的短短三个多月,孩子的英语不仅得到了很大进步,她自己的中文水平也突飞猛进,识字读写能力大大提升。总而言之, lisa是个特别懂事的孩子,她总是为了不麻烦大家,尽可能自己解决困难。希望 Lisa能够一举夺魁,加油,Lisa!


Thanks for the nomination from my host family! Living with them has been one of the greatest experiences in my life so far and I enjoy every day I spend with them! Right from the beginning when I arrived in Taiyuan they've always been very caring and also very interested in my view on things. I feel like my host family and I build up a real family relationship founded on mutualtrust and respect.  In our free time my family and I do a lot of family activities,such as cooking or going out spending time at parks,we always have plenty of fun together.  But it's not only those activities I enjoy to take part in, it's also the daily life, playing or learning with my girl, small conversations with my Chinese grandmother and joking around with each other is wonderful too! All in all I think that my host family is the perfect family to make an au pair's stay in China as great as it can be. They are very open, friendly and caring and made my whole life so much better, even in that relatively short period of time I've been spending with them yet.




Friederike 德国





I really enjoy spending my time with Dylan, because he is so funny and clever.My day starts at 7:15.Then I have to wake my hostkid Dylan up. Usually the first thing I get to hear from him is "five more minutes please". Having a day off once a week, is also very nice, as I get to spend time with the other Au Pairs and we can talk about our everyday life or homesickness.  All in all I am very happy with my life here, especially with my host family. My hostparents are so caring, they are always there for me, if I don't feel well. They also introduce me to their friends and show me around and if there is any problem, we just talk about it. I am very lucky to have hostparents who are so supportive. For me it is most important to live with someone I like and who likes me back, because it makes me feek like I am not too far away from home.




Janina 德国

匹配至宁波 郭先生家庭


丽娜到我们家3个月了,对我们来说已经习惯,对她应该是新鲜和好奇,无论是这个国家 这里的一切,也包括我们的家庭。经过这3个月应该也适应了这里的生活,也对东方文明有很好的了解和理解 ,会入乡随俗其实是她在这里最大的收获吧。她对小孩象中国姐姐一样的去包容,和小孩相处非常的融洽,小孩的外语水平也是杠杠的进步。


Coming to China as an au pair was a great decision. Every day is different and there is always something new to discover.At the beginning I wasn't able to talk Chinese, but smiling and trying to communicate, even without that much language knowledge helped me a lot.

I take care of the two boys of my host family, but most of my time I spend with my three year old. Whenever the weather is good we discover new places outside and run around. We also read books and study a lot because he is fascinated by learning how to write new words in German. In the mornings we often do creative things together like drawing or painting. Once we made Christmas cards which was a great project. Our weekends are always different. Sometimes we just spend time at home together, study and play games, but we also go hiking or swimming, which is always a lot of fun.  I have always been treated as a family member and took part in every activity.

In my opinion being open for a new lifestyle and wanting to enjoy to see something you never seen before, are the best reasons to go to another place and to life with another family. Being an aupair in China is a fantastic way to see how the people life here. I really enjoy my time in China and I am happy that I found my host family.


